This machine was purchased new from The Software Hut in 2000. It has a GVP T-Rex II CPU card, a NewTek Video Toaster 4000, and an Individual Computers XSurf NIC.
At one point, the PSU failed and was replaced with a PC-style ATX power supply. It was also re-capped in 2014, but the machine does not presently work. I believe the processor daughter card might be hosed.
The motherboard and CPU board are off for repairs as of 8/4/2020.
Historical Summary
Note that the information presented in this section was retrieved from my old personal website, The VAX Pirate's Lair, and is not likely to be entirely accurate or timely. Spelling errors have been kept intact for the purposes of historical preservation.
This Amiga is really really really nice. In fact, with the exception of the $800-plus PPC accelerators available, this Amiga has the fastest processor available on the platform. I bought this new in 2000, from Software Hut. It's a Gateway-era Amiga 400 0T with IDE support and AGA. Very nice machine. One of the gems of my collection.
Historical Specifications
- Amiga 4000T
- Motorola MC68060 50MHz with MMU/FPU (this is on a phase5 Cyberstorm 68K accelerator card with onboard SCSI)
- 2MB chip RAM, 20MB fast RAM
- Amiga AGA/AA chipset architecture
- 4.5GB IDE hard disk
- Zorro-III bus
- X-Surf Zorro-II Ethernet card (10bt)
- 3.1 Kickstart ROMs
- 40X CD-ROM
- AmigaOS 3.5